This is my first serum of this kind. So I can't make a comparison, but I can tell you how my face has been doing after using it for several weeks.
I apply the serum after my morning skincare routine.
I draw the pipette, which is no problem at all, and it's about 3/4 full after drawing. I don't need the whole amount for my entire face. I put 3 drops on my fingers and that's completely sufficient.
I gently rub the 2-3 drops of serum in a circular motion on my face. Then I apply a moisturizer.
Afterwards, my face feels really soft and velvety.
Furthermore, I have much fewer problems with makeup. We should all know by now that a serum should be applied under foundation.
I no longer have an itchy feeling with my foundation, it's almost even easier to apply and doesn't leave a dry feeling.
My skin has actually become much more even, and I had rough spots on my cheeks that felt very uncomfortable. They have almost disappeared and are only slightly noticeable.
I am absolutely thrilled!